Thursday, August 2, 2012

Puppy Life!

It has been a LONG time since my last post. Why?  Because I am a busy puppy!

At just 6 months old my family says I'm a good puppy. I sleep all night long now and my crate is dry when I wake. I do like to stretch and play for a few moments before I let my family know that I am ready to go out and do my business. My mornings start early. Some days I decide to wake at 6:30 but mostly I prefer 5:30. The earlier I get up the more fun I can have.

As soon as I wake up I'm ready to face the day. I go out and play with Tiger. He is my friend. Tiger is our outside cat. Apparently Tiger adopted our family. He just showed up as a stray kitten. His mama abandoned him when he was still a baby. Now he is about 2 and is an adorable yellow cat with beautiful golden eyes that match his coat.  He is about my size and he loves to sniff me and then he wrestles with me. We tumble and wrestle on the grass. It is really fun! Sometimes my family gets frustrated with me because I'd rather play than  go potty. Picking up sticks and pouncing on bugs and chewing on tree roots are other things I enjoy doing when I am out in the yard with my family. I never go outside unless I am on my leash with my family by my side.

After early morning playtime I eat my breakfast. YUM! I try really hard to have good manners while I'm eating but I can't help wanting to eat and play at the same time so more often than not I take a mouthful of food and prance across the room with it. I'm happy to see my toys every morning and look forward to chewing on them.

Playing tug of war is fun! I take a toy to my family and they grab the other end. Sometimes I cheat and use my paws to hold on to more of the toy. They laugh so hard when I do that. Using my teeth as an advantage is not a good thing. When I do that; they drop the toy and won't play with me for a moment.

Cats. I have 2 indoor cats. Harley and Harvest. They are not too fond of me. I don't understand. I just want to play with them. I want to chase them and sniff them and share my chew toys with them. Chewing on the cats would be unfriendly so I know not to do that. I try to ask them to play with me but they ignore me or growl at me and swipe at me with their paws. Silly cats, I just want to play.

Oh! Speaking of sissy (Manda) and my mommy (Robin) have been socializing me and taking me to training classes and obedience classes since I was nine weeks old. I also get to go to play classes once or twice a week. THAT is fun! I love playing with the big dogs. I come home soooooo tired.

I love to cuddle, take little walks, chase my toys and run circles around the kitchen island. Last night it was really hot so my mom and sissy gave me some crushed ice. They put it in my toy box which is really a very small kiddie pool. I played with the ice and chewed on it. It was cold and tickled my nose. I hope I get to do that again.

My friend, Jessica, who works at Pet Food Express is moving to D.C. I got to go see her last night before she leaves. She is one of my favorites. I met her when I first moved from Missouri to California. She is really smart and knows what toys and supplies are best for puppies. She is super friendly. I'm going to miss her.

Oh! Guess what? In just 8 more days my cousin, Katie, is coming from Pine Forrest Kennels to live with the Volp Family!!!!!!! I am going to have a cousin from home to play with! I can't wait to meet her. Mommy says she is going to be really little and that I am going to have to be on my bestest manners when we meet.

Hope you are enjoying tail wagging happiness and love!

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